We are a platonic love triangle of TTRPG enthusiasts dedicated to bringing a little more rock and roll to your RPG romps.  We bring a touch of barbaric rage against the machine, a hint of Megadeth-saving rolls and a smattering of AC/DC to your, well, AC and DC.  

We pride ourselves on the quality of our adventures and lameness of our puns!

Current Campaigns

Born to Run is an olympic games adventure for Dungeons and Dragons where you're more likely to lose your soul than win a medal.

The highway's jammed with broken heroes running away with nothing more than a story and their last chance. Maybe they can make a name for themselves in the inns of Port Sunbright or Myrefall - toss a few bucks at a bard in the hope that she can make a silk purse of a story out of a sow's ear of a life. Is that you? Or, is your life worth more than the price of a song?

Killer of Giants is a hitman game of Titanic Targets for Dungeons and Dragons.

The giants of Gorgonia are on the rampage and you, as a newly inducted assassin of the Claw of the Raven, a chapter of the assassin's guild dedicated to the termination of titans, have the opportunity to raise your reputation. Can you kill a colossus in a surprise round and become the Killer of Giants? 

Unsinkable! is standalone adventure that gives you a whole boat to play around on. Can your players sink the boat before the unholy ritual is complete?

You stand on the deck of ‘The Ancient Mariner’ as it chugs slowly from the Myrefall pier.  As you turn, to grin at your companions, you see two crew members wrestling with a huge crate.
The magic users in your party flinch as if all afflicted my migraine simultaneously.  That crate holds something of immense destructive power and immense evil. You give it little thought at the time not at least, until the nightmares start…

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